Meditation And Relaxation techniques

We are in an exploring age. In search of treasure and discovery we fathom the deepest sea, scale the highest mountain and we even journey toward the stars. With the same intent we are beginning to travel to the depths of our own conscience through meditation.

When you start practicing meditation and relaxation techniques on a consistent basis, you will find that it is easy, convenient and cheaper than spending a few hours on a shrink’s couch.

Meditation and relaxation techniques have many benefits. When a person is in an emergency or stressful situations the hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) rushes into our bloodstream. This process brings a welcome burst of energy. But if you’re not in any danger at all, it does cause unhealthy increase in blood pressure and heart rate.

Through meditation and relaxation techniques we can reshape our emotional reactions in a high pressure situation. We can meditate effectively if we know how to reach the alpha state by learning the different states.

1.Beta- when the brain registers 14 or more cycles per second. It is a state wherein we are conscious. We are fully aware of our five senses. Decision making, studying, working etc. if we are able to do these activities we are at beta.

2.Theta- at this level most people fall asleep.

3.Delta- we are totally unaware, we are at deep level sleep.

5.Alpha- this is the creative state. This is when you feel relaxed and drowsy just a few minutes or seconds before falling asleep. Your eyes ears , nose and sense of touch may tell you something, you are positively aware yet so relaxed as if you are in a trance. This is a state where solutions to your problems will just come in a flash.

This is why subliminal tapes , cds and podcasts of affirmations are very popular nowadays. Just pop in the cd just before you go to sleep, when you are feeling drowsy, because this is a state wherein you are the most receptive. Most success or life coaches frown on nighttime news viewing because this is where you are receptive and you might just be feeding your subconscious mind with all the negative elements that may wreak havoc your streams of positive consciousness. “ Do not thrive on garbage (news).” That’s what success or life coaches advocate. They teach you to be very careful on what you feed your mind. Reading only inspirational and motivational books and listening to uplifting cds ,tapes or podcasts before bedtime or early in the morning before work are what you should be feeding you mind.
When you are in the alpha state, play your affirmation tapes or cds and do visualizations. It doesn’t matter if during meditation you fall asleep, it only means yes! You were in alpha.

The pay off of meditation and relaxation techniques are cumulative. If we do it consistently we get the full benefits of it. The further we go into ourselves the closer we come to one of meditations greatest gifts: joy, calmer and more at peace with oneself.


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