Self Motivation Tips To Get Ahead

Straight out of college I took over the family business. Learning new skills , earning and spending money were all first time experiences and a big turn on for me.

Time passed. We aged and grow more mature. I noticed the motivation and drive I once had , were not there anymore. I felt the need to find personally meaningful work to have inner fulfillment.

After many years of being in the same work you suddenly find yourself at a crossroads of new career choices. I’m sure you feel that too once in your lives.

We need to understand that drive and motivation are all perishable commodities. Motivating forces are individually different for each person. What motivates us also often change overtime . Here are few self motivation tips you might want to try, to add zest to your career and your life.

1. Keep the challenge fresh. If you get to a point in your work or hobby, when there’s nothing to do but maintain what we’ve accomplished so far, there’s a big drop off on your drive. You get bored and there’s nothing to look forward to. So every now and then we need to keep creating new challenges.

2. Motivation comes after action. Most people believe that we need to be motivated before we take action. Metaphorically, that’s putting the cart before the horse. Try doing the thing that you have been putting off just for a few minutes. Just to make it bearable at first. Surely after that you feel like doing it already.

3. Strike a balance. Without energy, motivation doesn’t take you so far. To avoid burnout, pursue outside interests, get physical exercise and maintain close relationships.

4. Reward yourself. Give yourself a treat after a job well done. Buy new clothes, go to the spa, buy perfume etc. Indulge.

5. Re-evaluation. Periodically hear our inner voice and summon our inner strength to perpetually find the work that fires us up.

You can choose to apply two or three of these self motivation tips that you feel more suitable to you.

In my case, I have crawled my way out of the rut by consistently looking for newer challenges and exploring set of new skills I want to acquire and develop further.


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