Building Your Library
They say that there is no better way to judge a man’s character than to get inside and take a look at his home. It reveals his tastes, strengths and weaknesses, needs and wants, his idiosyncrasies. If a man had a lot of books that told you something about him. The titles of the books he owned told you more. And no books told you even more. We cannot keep all our personal friends in our house, they go their way and we go on ours. If we must get together and bond once or twice a month that would be great. But sometimes we don’t keep in touch with them due to work and other responsibilities for longer stretches of time. But not so with our book friends, we can keep large quantities of them in our home. A library would be a welcome addition to any household. We spend enormous amounts of money to buy concert, sports or any other form of entertainment tickets but we have to realize that these are only passing. For a price of a single ticket can buy you decent books that will give you strengt...