Why You Should Be Kind To Yourself
At several times in your life, when you made mistakes, do you say to yourself "Boy was I stupid" or "I’m a loser and I think I’ll always be." Is this what’s going on in your mind? Is this your internal dialog when you made a major boo boo? The key here is be kind to yourself. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and accept your temporary failure. Human beings are not perfect. We will always be making mistakes. Now, if we reject ourselves when we are messing up, we are only being a "fair weather" friend to ourselves. How would you like to have a friend who is so good to you when you are rich and disappears when we are broke and in trouble? You wouldn’t want to have a friend like that would you? So that’s how you are to yourself when you acknowledge your strengths and triumphs, but you don’t accept your weaknesses and failures…..you are a fair weather friend to yourself. We shouldn’t have to be our own worst critic. We have to consistently squelch self cr...