Ways To Cope With Stress

It used to be, back in the olden days we saw stress coming. Stress is pretty much like Indians on the horizon. Until lately, it has become unfamiliar because stress is not wrap in the usual package anymore. We don’t even know how to think about these new problems, let alone come up with the answers.

Ambiguities, perfection and trying to do and have it all are taking a toll on us. These days just showing up for life can be complex and difficult. The best ways to untangle the ‘stress knot’ is to attack it one strand at a time. Here are practical ways to cope with stress.

-Pray to God.

-Unclutter your life

-Anticipate needs and plan ahead.

-Believe in yourself.

-Visualize winning.

-Set priorities.

- Review goals and set new ones.

-Get in touch with your feelings.

-Know and meet your needs.

-Say “No” more often.

-Break down large tasks.

-Delegate tasks to others.

-Ask for help.

-Ask for a hug.

-Do things in moderation.

-Consider problems as challenges.

-Look at challenges as opportunities for success.

-Avoid negative people.

-Avoid negative thoughts.

-Stop talking negatively.

-Schedule quiet time for meditation.

-Think today-not tomorrow- is better.


-Work on your sense of humor, or develop one.

-Talk less and listen more.

-Breathe slowly.

-Sit up straight, don’t slouch.

-Stretch your limits, or just stretch.

- Eliminate caffeine beverages.

-Get enough sleep.

-Add a new exercise to your program.

-Complete a needed task.

-Break a bad habit.

-Call or visit a lonely person.

-Do something new.

-Schedule time for hobbies.

-Tell your friends how important they are to you.

-Praise others.

-Praise yourself.

-Enjoy something beautiful in nature.

-Read a book, ebook, your favorite blog or reread a favorite letter.

-Light a candle or a scented incense.

-Take a bubble bath.

-Remember, only go one day at a time.



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