16 Sure Fire Ways To Find Clarity and Make The Right Decisions


(Even If You Are Confused, In The middle Of A  Personal Crisis, Or Just Got Out Of One).

Do you need to make a big decision but you feel unsure and confused? Do you want to find clarity?

Maybe you've gone through a string of unfortunate events, like you lost a loved one, you suffered a bad break-up or you've strolled the long hallway of closed doors of opportunities. 

Furthermore,  you accumulated mounting debts. One or all of these can send anyone into a mind-boggling tailspin.

Or maybe you are fresh out of college and you ask yourself " What's next?"

Confusion and indeciveness can leave you powerless, anxious and stressed. But let's not give confusion a bad rap.

After all, confusion is a sign that your mind is ready to go beyond its customary routine.

Confusion is a catalyst of growth that you subconsciously crave for.

Let's face it, making decisions particularly  big ones is risky. The possibility of failure just looms. One mistake can impact or ruin your career, relationships or your life in general. 

So what do you do when fear and confusion paralyzed you? Do you remain still? And play it safe? Or do you go "all in"?

It depends on what type of decision-maker you are in the spectrum---Are  you a cautious planner? Or do  you live life based on instincts alone?

Negative thinking patterns and limiting beliefs can lock you dead in your tracks.  Thinking traps like, "What if i can't do it?" Or "What if it sucks?" 

You can sit and think yourself in a force-field and before you know it, you are stuck. Frozen.

Be aware of your internal dialogue. Silenced your inner critic. Wallowing in a pool of self-doubt, self-pity, fear and indecisiveness make you feel powerless and weak. 

You are nurturing a victim mentality. You blame-shift. You become angry and bitter.

And what's worse...

You're tired most of the time. Drained of energy.

Streams of insecurities just leaked or i might add- gushed.

It's  unhealthy. It's unproductive. It feels forced. You just dont feel the "flow."

Finding clarity and making the right decision require contemplation.And to do it, you need time. 

The bigger the decision, the more time you'll need.

You could take a two-week vacation to weigh the pros and cons. Or you can take the year off to do comprehensive self-assessment.

I just want you to know, you have the ability and power to create clarity. And you can start where you're currently at.

You just know it when you've found clarity and made the right decision. You'll find self-fulfillment. Life is meaningful. You have focus to your day.

Therefore you have an inner sense of direction. You have new energy. You just know what to do and where to go. You feel calm, relaxed and you sleep well.

Good things suddenly start to manifest. You live an authentic life.

Happiness and joy are the standards.

Now, how do you achieve all these? Here  are 16 ways to find clarity and make good decisions. Ward off spells of lethargy and indecisiveness. Get moving. Here we go:

1. Show up. Plant your butt where your heart wants to be.

To quote Woody Allen, " 80% of success is just showing up." So  get your lunch box and clock in. Everyday. 

If you're a musician, go sit in front of the piano, if you're a writer go sit in front of the computer. You get my drift.

2. Journal. Declutter your mind by jotting down your thoughts on paper. Organize your thoughts. 

This way,  you caged your restless monkey-mind. It will increase your mental bandwith and logical diskspace. You make room for more creative and useful ideas.

3.Declutter your physical surrounding. Anything you see in your field of vision, your mind has to process. 

If your immediate environment is messy and chaotic so is your brain. You can't concentrate and work effectively. Clean up. Declutter. And reset to zero every once in a while.

4. Center yourself several times a day. This can be in the form of a nap, meditation or listening to soothing music. 

Get quiet and relax whenever you are distracted or unsettled from pitching in the day to day demands and duties. It's only the centered and settled mind that is the most capable to swirl in the activities of daily existence.

Think of a river noisily flowing and  gushing on the surface, but calm and sluggish at the bottom. Center yourself in the midst of bustling working day. Like a river, you experience the perfect balance of alertness and calmness.

5.Follow your gut feeling. Your intuition is considered as your second brain. Your inner GPS. Your sixth sense. Do what feels right. Avoid what doesn't.

6. Be in the present moment. Do one thing at a time. Practice mindfulness. If you are doing the dishes. do just that.Feel the water and soap in your hands. 

When i accompanied my partner to the hospital for her chemotherapy sessions,  I didn't do 20 other things at the same time. All i did was one by one, attend  to my partner's needs like prepare  food, brought her comfort pillow, recharge her cellphone, carry her stuff,  etc.

That was it. I lived in day tight compartment. Did things in 24 hour segments only. I didn't engage in future "what-iffing" (if that's a word).

 There was no excruciating back and forths of " should i or shouldn't i?"

7. Keep your conscience clean and make it your inner compass. Don't be self-serving. Think of others too. Make every decision a win-win situation for you and everyone. 

.If you have second thoughts, consult your moral ethics. Don't stain your spirit.

8. Be wary of red flags. Red flags are deal-breakers, not just warning signs. Does your fiancee have a history of lying or cheating? 

Does she love-bombed you and then devalued and discarded you thereafter? Does she do it again and again  like a hamster on a wheel- endlessly running in circles? 

Heed my advice. Get out of the relationship.Fast.

. Learn new skills. Whether it be flying  Cessna 172 airplanes, joining basic military training or learning crochet -- acquiring fresh skills  creates new neural pathways in the brain. It makes your brain active and well-functioning.

10. Make a vision board and bucket list. It's time to brain-dump all your creative ideas and get excited again. Place both where you can always see it.

11. Experiment. Everything is trial and error. You dont know what you dont know. Believe it or not, there are only few choices that are make or break decisions.

If you commit a mistake, own it. Learn from it. Move on.You always have another chance. So be kind to yourself.

12. Trust that a new creative idea will  pop up without warning. So just relax. Very rarely, you get a flash of inspiration. An epiphany. Do you ever wander where these aha moments come from? 

It's amazing. Like you're going through your ordinary day. And suddenly ....Boom! Flashes of  ingenious thoughts  just pop up in your head.You didnt intentionally make it happen. It's a gift. Welcome it.

13. Follow the pull of the energy.You can create a snowball effect within you. Make use of this momentum of making choices and acting on it. Once you start making things happen, you'll  get the hang of it.

Decision making gets easier. The more you do, the more you can do. The process draws you closer to finding clarity. So do something creative and beautiful.

14. Never make a crucial decision under desperation.Or  any negative emotions such as impatience and frustration. Do it when you have peace.

15. Take massive action. Beyond planning, talking and visualizing, you have to go out there. Pound the pavement. Get your hands dirty. And see where life leads you.

16. Write your Most Important Tasks (MITs) of the day on post-it-notes. That's your cue to choose and accomplish 1-2  items only. Everyday.

 There's no more space for overflowing to-do-list. Focus on the vital few. The trivial many can go by the wayside. 

Block 3-4 hours  a day for blitz focused-work. In due time you'll be achieving your major goals. If you can't get any clearer than that, then i don't know what is.

To sum it all up:

Your daily decisions  must reflect and align with your core values. There is no self-censorship. You live your life according to your own true authentic self.


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