16 Sure Fire Ways To Find Clarity and Make The Right Decisions

(Even If You Are Confused, In The middle Of A Personal Crisis, Or Just Got Out Of One). Do you need to make a big decision but you feel unsure and confused? Do you want to find clarity? Maybe you've gone through a string of unfortunate events, like you lost a loved one, you suffered a bad break-up or you've strolled the long hallway of closed doors of opportunities. Furthermore, you accumulated mounting debts. One or all of these can send anyone into a mind-boggling tailspin. Or maybe you are fresh out of college and you ask yourself " What's next?" Confusion and indeciveness can leave you powerless, anxious and stressed. But let's not give confusion a bad rap. After all, confusion is a sign that your mind is ready to go beyond its customary routine. Confusion is a catalyst of growth that you subconsciously crave for. Let's face it, making decisions particularly big ones is risky. The possibility of failure just looms. One mistake can impact or ruin ...