Find out what kind of a tourist you are.As the saying goes" you don't know a man until you share a camel with him". You may be Dr. Jekyll at home but wait until you travel, you're inner Hyde might surfaced. So which one best describes you?

1. Eddie the edgy. You go to the airport 5 hours ahead of departure. You always check where you put your passport and all other travel documents every minute.Every time the loudspeaker soundsyou zero in, never hearing what your companions are
saying. You needa tranquilizer or a cocktail to calm you down.

2. Redmond the glutton. You plan to travel mainly to eat. You know where the finest restaurants are located. Breakfast turns to lunch just taking time to digest what there is to eat. Every meal is an event. Most of your travel memories are
basically foie gras and raspberry souffles or any exotic food the country has to offer.One thing for sure you pack on pounds as fast as you pack your luggage.

3. Eric the erotic. You may be a conservative dude but taken away from you natural habitat, you search the world for hot spots. Naked dancers, the chippendales etc. On the upside, you have a lot of education in this area that makes you a generic
Don Juan.

4. The Bundle of energy. The sun is up and so are you. You go play tennis followed by an afternoon at the golf course and night driving across the country. You may totally beat at the end of the day but you will never feel boredom settling in.

5. Guidebook totin' bloke. You never miss anything the guidebook recommends "worth a visit". Five churches, 2 museums,1 national park and Magellan's cross would be
the quota for the day.A little cultural enlightenment won't hurt.

6. Val the frugal. You can afford to stay at a decent hotel but you opt for sharing quarters with roomful of mops,pails and brooms. You eat at cafeterias. You feel at your best when you have discovered a pseudo authentic louis vuitton bag at the flea market.You are the prince of hagglers.

7. Peter the wannabe conniosseur. You speak broken french to a columbian waiter. You don't ask for directions and thinks guidebooks are for tourists only.

8. The Happy camper. Do you always travel with your swiss army knife,backpack and canteen? Do feel like a boy scout in a grown up man's body? You're idea of adventure is exploring the wilds,setting up tents and cooking outdoors.


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