Succesful entrepreneurs didn't start off with one
moment of epiphany.They usually work at their business
for quite a time to achieve "overnight" success.First
and foremost they sell something they love whether it's
a product or a service. They have done research to make
sure the market exists. They have the ability and means to
supply that product or service again and again.

Being in business is not just about making money.It is
a way to become who you are.Your best idea for business
will be something that is already deep within you. A business
shouldn't be something you do to live but
something you live to do. So here are three steps to take
if you want to make your business a successful one.

1.Start as a customer.

Years before the birth of one
of the biggest online dating site on the internet
today, Markus Frind, it's creator was frustrated of the fact
that every dating site he surfed would always require to whip
out your credit card to avail of their services.
So he got the idea, out of his frustration to create a free online
dating website.Back then it was unheard of. A totally
new concept.So Markus went on to create a free dating site.
That was a few years ago, now plentyoffish is one of the biggest
dating site on the net with a proflie database of enormous quantity.
It serves approximately 500 million pageviews daily.Which only
means lots of money was generated from his website. So as a consumer
or customer be endlessly vigilant where the tool breaks, the
service slips or the shoe pinches you might start your business in
that fashion.You know what you want to replace, improve or change.

2. Bring back old standards.

Do you yearn for those times when you got calls
from the bank to remind you that you have overdrawn your account
or before you check bounces? How about pens aren't chained or
there's a free shoeshine service at the lobby? Bank employees
know their client's by first names? Recall those old standards
and apply it to your present business.

3. Raise the ante.

Domino's Pizza didn't spend millions on advertising when they
just strted but they excell in one service. The quickest home
delivery pizza ever.Many decades and many franchised outlets after,
Domino's still one of the biggest pizza company. From this example,
whatever business you're in make it the most thorough, best
inventoried,cleanest, with superbly attentive customer service. Become
the standard by which the competition is measured. Don't live up to a
criterion. Setit. That would mean have better presentation,product
design, better instructions and supplying better after market support.


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