The Hidden Power Of "Possibility Thinking"

Have you had problems so difficult, that you feel you are at your wit’s end? Why don’t you try possibility thinking?

In the book " Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do" by Robert H. Schuller, says that possibility thinking can show you how you can make the ideas that God will give you and solve your problems. Never throw away an idea just because it is impossible.

Give it a chance. Never underestimate the value of an idea. Every positive idea has within it a potential for success if it is manage properly and put it in action.

Tough people ( those who weathered severe economic and emotional storms in their lives) always have their "antennae" alerted for opportunities in every situation.

They are always communicating and interacting in anyway they can. They turn casual remarks and vague invitations into fruitful openings. They are always on the lookout for the tiniest threads of hope and positive directions to take.

The solutions to a crisis may not be easy to discover. But if we keep experimenting, adopt a trial and error method. We might stumble upon new channels and gain new insights that may lead us to uncover new information that would help us solve our problems and turn our lives around.

Greatness is not about what level you are in a society whether rich or poor. It is by the respect of the positive ideas that flow into our imagination. Let us learn to open our minds to receive possibility thoughts. Even in the midst of turmoil or disaster an original idea could develop that will lead to a profitable new venture.

Let us learn to follow our hunches. Listen to our intuition as well as our intellect. Resist pressure from family and friends. Be firm and stand up for what you believe in. Right or wrong it is time to trust our own judgment and believe in our own wisdom.

These are the winning skills we can learn in order we can have the capacity to outlast a crisis:


Be active and productive.

Get acquainted with exploring new pathways.

Become familiar with trial and error behaviour.

Learn how to be disappointed and yet try again.

Just imagine if you can incorporate these skills in your daily life, one day you will just wake up and realize that you have become the person you can admire and respect…..the person you truly want to be.


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