The Art Of Purposeful Pausing

“"Extreme busyness is a symptom of deficient vitality, and a faculty for idleness implies a catholic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity." Robert Louis Stevenson said it.

In this day and age of hurry, tension and frantic competition, we hurl ourselves through life at a breathless pace. The operative word is MULTI-TASKING. Is it worth it? Is it possible that a bustling display of energy might only be camouflage for a spiritual vacuum?

When there’s no time for quiet, there is no time for the soul to grow. Even in the realm of bodybuilding program, rest is a major component. Scientist proved that our bodies secrete more growth hormone while we sleep.

In order for our bodies and mind to operate efficiently we need sleep and rest and replenish its energy stores.

A man who walks through the countryside sees more than the man who runs. If you are the type to cram your schedule and never having an idle moment, try to experiment with a little purposeful pausing. Surely you will have a truer appreciation of the basic essentials and enhance your excitement of living.

Little periods of deliberate aimlessness, tranquility and leisureliness certainly draw people together. You will discover a certain comradeship amongst your colleagues, housemates or family if you just learn to once in awhile, kick off your shoes, let your hair down, hang back and let life’s sweet events unfold itself.

Make up your mind that you won’t be hurried. You won’t be rushed and listen to your inner rhythms.

Throughout the day, there will be fragments of moments that you will be called to exert more effort and there are moments that you will need to pause, rest and recharge. So pay attention to those needs with in yourself.


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