Ten Best Formats In Writing Articles

Writing articles is a great way to generate traffic to your website. If you distribute and submit articles to various high page rank article directories you can get many inbound links to your site and consequently improve your page ranking as well.

Many years ago writing ten to twenty articles would really make an impact on your stat counter. But not so today, you have to crank out as many articles as you possibly can in order to gain momentum or what they call enjoy the snowball effect.So here are 10 formats to guide you in writing articles the faster way:

1. Tips/advice/lists- Easy to read, lots of white space chunks of information. Example: Ten ways to…Six great ideas for…Three steps to…

2. Cause/effect- you set up a situation and describe the result or you may want to trace multiple causes and effects. This format uses lots of transition words such as: due to, as a result, therefore, so that, consequently, thus, for that reason.

3. How to- an oldie but still a goldie. Readers are perennially curious and hungry for information. In order to pique their curiosity offer information, teach something thati nterests them.

4. Comparison/contrast-you show how two people, places, ideas are the same or different. In this format you can present your materials in two ways:

a. Write all the aspects of topic 1 and the next paragraph write all aspects of topic 2. Then your conclusion.

b. Write first description of topic 1 and 2 then in the next paragraph, second description of topic 1 and 2.Words that show comparison: similarly, likewise, in the same manner, at the same time.Words that show contrast: But, nevertheless, however, nonetheless, conversely.

5. Question/answer-list your audience’s most pressing questions and answer them by showcasing your expertise.

6. Problems/solutions- state a problem and give one or more solutions. They are arrange from least to most effective.

7. Spatial order- specifically geared for travelogues and description of homes. You arrange events from one single point of reference. It can be arrange from top to bottom, bottom to top, inside to outside, outside to inside, point A to point B.

8. Ways/secrets/habits- it’s human nature to want to know everything and not want to miss out on anything especially about secrets, lies, gossips and hoaxes more than we care to admit.

9. Reasons-your articles are reader friendly if you extol the virtues, the whys and wherefores of a certain subject or topic.Example: Five Reasons Why The Procrastination Habit Is Vital To Your Long Term Success.

10. Myth/truth-plenty of absurd and ridiculous ideas going around in our pop culture or a certain industry. Time to debunk these myths and expose the truth.


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