
In today’s world, the high cost of living forces us to spend much of our time working. Working at two to three jobs is no longer an isolated case. We have become workaholics and consequently make us reclusive and constantly attached to our desks and computers.

But we have to realize that there’s more to life than just focusing on our jobs like the social part of our lives for example. Pursuing friends adds zest to our structured routine. And what a perfect way to enlarge our circle of friends than to entertain.

In war and peace, in poverty or riches we can share hospitality whatever we have and invest the occasion with warm companionship with an air of festivity.

No matter how charming or powerful the person maybe, he or she may never reach the peak of his individuality until he or she begins to reach out to others and to serve them.

In the time of Alexander The Great, when he won over Persian Darius, he celebrated his victory by having a mass- wedding feast. His men took Persian wives. The mass marriage was the most pomp, extravagant pageants in history. Dancers by the thousands, music, flowers, meats, and wines were overflowing. Hundreds of runners brought snow from the mountains just to chill sun-sweet grapes. Tiny jeweled chariots were drawn by white doves down the banquet table carrying love messages. Melody, poetry romance and wit were provided for the guests.

But hospitality can well be served in modest ways. Nowadays all too many people have this pre-conceived notion that organizing a party is a great undertaking. I f you entertain often, you will learn to do it more easily, more casually. It doesn’t matter where you live, a mansion or a one bedroom apartment, give a party and see how casual and relaxed you can be about it.

Start right where you are to widen your social life. One friend leads to another. Even those “undesirables” you are shunning know two or three “desirable” ones. Everybody can teach you something. Invent your own ways of keeping in touch with your friends. You will be in their minds much more often than if you just merely wait for the phone to ring. Don’t let lethargy keep you from being in touch with people. People make life. The more people- the more life.

Don’t think that it takes money and nice wardrobe ( they help of course) but accomplish very little in themselves. Go ahead and give parties. Snobs are out of style, they’re passé.

Practice hospitality and pretty soon you will have a long list of friends and acquaintances.


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