Decode: Work-Life Balance

First of all work-life balance is not a myth. It is not the quantity of hours divided equally for work and personal pursuits. It is basically not 50-50. Doing so, would mean struggle trying to constantly juggle either side the equation of work and play. Suffice it to say when you struggle you are not balanced.

I believe work-life balance is something achievable. First you must know your priorities, it should be crystal clear. Know what you value and what gives you the most pleasure. The key to balance is quieting the noise inside our heads. Meditate. Spend at least 30 minutes a day on meditation. Tap your inner resources to gain wisdom, calmness, the aura. Some people like to keep a lucky and gratitude journal in order to feel centered. By all means do it on a daily basis.

If you spend your day accomplishing something in your work and spending off work hours on something you enjoy , then I would say you have a pretty good day. You have achieve the work-life balance. It’s that simple. Achieve something in your work and do things you enjoy after work. It can’t be one without the other.

You probably know and met workaholics in your lives. They could be your father, uncle, friend, colleague. And in your mind you think how anyone can work that many hours without break and relaxation. Let’s admit we can’t compete with them, and we don’t even need to. Why? Because it it’s only a matter of time they will experience burn out and their health would suffer. Not really an ideal way to achieve your goals, cause some areas in your life are going to be jeopardized. There’s nothing like work-life balance. I think the mantra "work less , earn more" is the offspring of the concept of work-life balance.

When we achieve work-life balance we feel good about ourselves, we feel harmonious with people around us and the universe. It feels effortless. The reality is, you can have it all though not all at once. When there’s balance there’s harmony and the flowing of life is easy. We realize our full potentials and be all that we ever wanted to be.


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