Vacuum Laws of Prosperity And The Cosmic Laws Of LIfe

This concept is quite new to me despite the fact that i've been in this world for over quarter of a me over the hill or antiquated, but i feel there's always something new that we can learn at any stage in life.i

'm referring to randy gage's vacuum laws of prosperity. it states that nature abhors a vacuum,abyss or chasm or anything that's suggests empty space.and since the inherent nature of the universe is good,any vacuum will always be filled with good.

consider for example, you walk down the beach you will leave footprints in the sand. give it time, the tracks will be filled thru the buffeting winds and endless surge of the waves. so if we want to manifest prosperity in our lives,we should create a vacuum. let go of something negative,create a vacuum and give it time it will be filled with something positive. we have to let go,so that we can create a room for the positive to come into our lives.

a case in point, if we are stuck in a bad relationship,take courage,let go and you will find someone worthier for you. it takes faith to be able to do that. if we want money,give away money. if we want love, give hugs,kisses and love.what goes around comes around. what you sow is what you reap. call it karma.


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