Why Taking It A Day At A Time Is Not That Effective.

We have potentially numerous times to feel bad and let down in our daily life. There are also hundreds of opportunities to feel good in a given day. When all things are going our way we feel elated , inspired, always smiling but fifteen minutes after a stressful meeting your previously joyous resolve is out the window.

That is why it is wise to compartmentalize our life in minutes or seconds not days or weeks. Because our emotions can change from one moment to the next. Our emotions can prompt us to overeat, have a glass of beer to calm you down, take a drag of your favorite cigarette or any bad habits. We use our reactions to certain situations as excuses. When we received a disturbing phone call from our parents or in laws, when we drove for an hour and our appointment does not show up, we get an unexpected bill, we lose a job or our spouse’s job, our kid brings home a failing report card. These negative situations make us raid the fridge and eat that wickedly rich chocolate mousse or make us do things we normally shun especially if things are happening the way we want. We should maintain focus and keep our emotions even.

So if you have goals of losing weight, making more money, quitting a bad habit or gaining a good one, your rate of accomplishing them and be successful is how you control your emotions. You have to counter a weak moment in your daily life. It’s important that you believe in yourself and in your abilities.

Manage our emotions well and not give in to excuses when we have a tough day. Even though they are valid and we can’t totally eliminate these deterrent factors, if we do a better job of controlling our emotions we are on our way to whatever goals we like to achieve.

Maintaining a positive mind set, believing in ourselves, telling ourselves we deserve the best we can be, that we can do it and we can achieve our goals. If we do it every day and many times a day and not letting those little nagging, annoying things get us down and tick us off we can be assured of a successful journey in our mission to accomplish what it is we set out to accomplish.


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