Three Easy Ways To Tackle Life’s Challenges

As we grew older, wiser and more mature we have come to devise our own individual unique ways to cope with problems and deal with the daily stress that comes with adult responsibilities. I have listed below my own ways to keep me motivated, inspired and not let life’s journey drag me down. Hope you will find ideas here that will work for you too.

-Sustain a "can do" attitude. Life, like mountaineering is never without hitches. An expedition is never smooth sailing. You can get sick, the weather is bad, you lose your equipment so on and so forth. Pretty much like our lives, it’s not always happy times, sometimes we experience rejection, relationships or business deals gone sour. The key is to focus and stay determined and be patient. You have to keep on keeping on until we reach the summit of our goals and aspirations.

-The swiss cheese method. A swiss cheese have a lot of holes in it right? You attack a problem, use and budget time, do tasks, pay bills and debts the swiss cheese method way. One hole at a time. Do one task, solve one problem, pay one bill or debt one at a time. Do them incrementally and the next thing you know you have accomplished a lot already. Once you have done that, you will feel relaxed and not overwhelmed. People around you will be surprised and amazed why you still have poise and composure when life’s realities of bills and obligations are overwhelming and yet here you are calm and serene. They don’t know you have applied the swiss cheese method way.

-Reframing. When you label something as a "problem" or a "disaster" it is just a semantic frame. In reality, it is just data, problems or disaster don’t really exist until you call it that. It is only when you label or frame the data in a particular way that it becomes a problem or a disaster. By practicing using moderate terms for extreme situations ( for example a "problem" is just a minor inconvenience) we don’t experience adrenaline rush and therefore we remain relax , calm and able to access resources needed to solve the problem. Reframing is to soften the language people use in conflict situation therefore makes the atmosphere conducive to problem solving mode instead of panic mode.


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