Friends Everyone Should Have

Back when I was a young kid, I remember I used to think my father’s friends were loser guys. They hang around the house all the time. They were always available to do him favors. I wondered what my dad saw in them.

Fast forward to the present time. I’m all grown up. I have prided myself to having friends in high places. I always feel that having richer friends than I, is what’s it all about.

Then one day I was asked to house sit a relative’s house away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I was all alone in that big house. My loneliness was palpable. I picked up the receiver and called my friends. But lo and behold, they were not available for some bonding time. And that was the occasion I needed them most. And why wouldn’t they be available all the time? They have the means to do other stuff with other people than little old me.

The moral lesson of my story is….ban the idea of having one kind of friends ( in my case my well-to-do-chums). Having a variety of friends who can EACH bring something different into your life is the way to go. So you can have more options, who to call in your own "away from the city, house sitting chores" episode.

After many years, I now come to understand and appreciate my dad’s choice of friends.
Let’s push this a bit further and try to gain a much wider variety of friends. You need a friend to:

-Coach or mentor you on your career moves.

-Explain the psyche of the opposite sex.

-Consume kegs of draft beer with.

-Do PR for you especially to your romantic prospect.

-Hook you up with someone from everywhere such as a plumber, the vice mayor and the local acupuncturist.

-Do you favors like Sancho Panza to Don Quixote.

-Someone to lend you his Porsche 911 turbo.


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