Why You Don't Need Excuses

You are accountable to you. What, who, where you are today are the results of the choices and actions you took.

Excuses are the very anti-thesis of dedication and hardwork. Are you sometimes guilty of making excuses especially when things go awry or your inability to make things happen the way you want? Excuses like too shy to date, not enough capital to start a business so on and so forth. The excuses get more outrageous everyday. Achieving a better life through hardwork and persistence are replaced by the excuse mill. Living excuse- free isn’t easy, but refusing to accept anything but the best from yourself can only lead to future success. And when you achieve success you will have no need for excuses.

Following the path of least resistance.

We look for challenges that requires less energy and present fewer obstacles. You can’t buy a well-developed body or buy a par golf score. Those are available only through intelligent, consistent work to anyone who is willing to apply his mind, body and spirit toward the life goal of personal mastery.

In today’s world, we celebrate the instant millionaire, the instant celebrity. We are constantly brainwashed a sugar coated vision of the good life filled with easy, painless overnight success.

Excuses are the products of our fears and frustrations. Of the stumbling blocks and walls we have hit and given up on. The next time you think you can’t do something, look around. Chances are you will find someone without your advantages succeeding at the very task you are struggling with. Like the paraplegic attempting to climb the highest mountain or someone entering a triathlon without the benefit of sight. Perhaps then you will come to realize that only by accepting the challenges that come your way can you realize your full potential. It is never about the summit we scaled. I believe our worth is measured by the challenges we face around the bend , by the endless path to personal mastery we never stop trying tread.


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