What To Do About Workout Plateaus

Don’t you feel how frustrating it is working out religiously but you can’t seem to make any visible progress? Many months into your weight training programs you can’t see any changes in your muscle and fitness? That particular occurrence is called plateau.

The secret to get over your exercise plateau is muscle confusion. Professional bodybuilders use this technique every time they reach plateau. And so they never have trouble in their bodybuilding programs.

Muscle confusion is a technique to varying your workout routine, to keep your muscle guessing and thus spur growth and definition.

Here are some ways to do muscle confusion:

-Change the order of exercises.

-Change the repetitions and the weights. Ex. High reps with light weights, medium-medium combo, low reps with heavy weights.

-Change the length of rest intervals between sets.

-Vary the tempo of exercises and length of rest intervals within a routine.

-Pyramid some of your movements.

-Do descending sets on others.

-Superset, triset, giant set when appropriate.

-Do forced reps, cheating reps, descending set when appropriate.

-Use the pre-exhaustion technique whenever possible.

-Increase/decrease the number of movements each day.

-Increase/decrease the number of repetitions for each exercises.

-Do basic exercise followed by isolation movements and isolation exercises followed by the basics the next.

- Vary the number of rest days between sessions for a specific body part.

-Occasionally train something two days in a row, perhaps even using the same routine both days.

- Change to different machines that theoretically work the same muscle groups.

- Vary the width of your grip on the bar and the width of your foot stance.

- Change the angle of the bench you are using, even if its only by a couple of degrees.

As a result of the constant change of your building muscle routine, your muscles are kept constantly off balance and therefore constantly responding.


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