Practical Guide In Pursuit Of Hapiness

The pursuit of happiness is the most basic of all human rights. But we should know that happiness is a state of mind. It is ephemeral. You cannot reach a permanent state called happiness and remain there all the time. For some, true happiness is called “flow”. Flow is when you are totally focused and zoned in to what you are doing at the moment that you are oblivious to the outside world and to the passing of time.

To achieve flow, we can creatively find ways to dodge the bullets of frustration, worry and depression into practical relaxation methods consequently help us to find true happiness.

Here are some ideas to try:

-Count your blessings. Develop that gratitude attitude. Pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of your life and experience a heightened sense of well being. When you are appreciative and thankful you are subconsciously attracting more things in your life that you are going to be thankful for.

-Scent the air. Research finds the benefits of aromatherapy in relieving stress are real. Keeping a green apple on your desk may calm your nerves. Scent of vanilla and lavender may induce relaxation. People exposed to rosemary had lower anxiety levels. Nowadays, there are variety of plug-in air fresheners and essential oils , diffusers, potpourri, incense sticks and scented candles.

-Laugh out loud. Studies have shown that stress fighting brain chemicals are released when you laugh. Some even believe all it takes is a smile to ignite a positive mood.

-Serve soup, live longer. Volunteer. Isolation only magnifies your worries. Helping others will change your perspective from what you can get from people, to what you can do for them. Your self respect, sense of accomplishment and life satisfaction will increase if you help others. Self sacrifice may also help you live longer.

-Get a grip. Keep a hand exerciser or tennis ball in your desk and give it a few squeezes during tense times. when stress shouts adrenaline into the bloodstream that calls for muscle action. Squeezing something provides a release that satisfies our body” “flight or fight” response.

-Take the dog for a walk. There are numerous studies that attest to the stress relieving benefits of owning a pet.

-Visit a quiet place. Libraries, museums, gardens and places of worship provide islands of peace and calm . In today’s frantic world find a quiet place and make it your secret get-away.

Follow these suggestions and basically exert your right as human being , the pursuit of happiness.


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