Negative Thinking Is The Culprit

For every situation in life, we all have a choice. Either we approach it negatively or positively. It doesn’t matter if we have stress in our lives. Everyone does. It is how we see it and how we deal with it that makes the difference.

Anxiety, depression and panic attacks are all physical manifestations if we worry and expect the worst. We may not able to change immediately the circumstances in our lives that cause us distress but we can consciously choose to manage these situations in such a a way that they don’t control us any longer.

We should start looking at the stressful situations and learn more positive ways in dealing with them. If we expect good things to happen, learn relaxation techniques and start exercising then stress will become manageable.

World war 2 fighter pilots left a treasured task like a good book or letter from a loved one half read before they went off on a mission. Just to have a positive expectation and they will be eager to face the enemy, survive and come back to finish what they left undone.

We must perpetually challenge our destructive thoughts and replace with affirmations that encourage us than tear us down.

Our beliefs to a great extent determine how we fare in our life’s missions. If our thoughts, emotions and beliefs affirm us, it will subsequently help us to muster the courage, marshal our physical , mental and emotional energies to accomplish what we set out to do. If we expect the worst, we will lessen our chances of succeeding.

Our thoughts are energies, we must harness and channel it into something positive. We must constantly guard our mental plane, letting only the good, beautiful and serene in.


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