In Pursuit Of Happiness

When we are in a state of true happiness , studies how that there iare actually certain biological changes occur. There is increased activity in the brain center that inhibits negative feelings and quieting of those that generate worrisome thoughts. There is also an increase available energy and enthusiasm for whatever task is at hand. We have the drive to strive toward a great variety of goals.

Here are bits of insightful and I might add offbeat tips to nudge you back into that state of ephemeral true happiness:

-Don’t be an ingrate. Everyday ask yourself “What do I have that I am grateful for?” Your list like your health, your decent income, your solid relationship etc. By the time you are done checking off your list all the feelings of gloom and doom will have flitted away.

-Ignore the stock market. Chinese researchers found a direct link between the daily performance of the stockmarket and the mental health of those who closely followed it. So give your investments time and give yourself a break.

-Go Tandem. With a bicycle built for two, you get both exercise and social benefits. Meet your future wife or husband. Join a tandem club.

-Your mantra is “moolah moolah”. Have a motto, mantra or phrase usually short and rhythmic one, that you repeat for positive affirmation. It can be simple as “It’s like a prayer” or “life is good”. Mantras are use to tap us into an “enlightened state.”

-Avoid highway gunplay. Don’t fly off the handle when someone cut you off on the road. Rather than trying to run them off the highway, slow down, let them in and avoid confrontation.

-Garden. You got your hands on something you can pull right out of the ground. That way you have a fightable foe. The sense of accomplishment that comes from clearing a weedy patch, watching seeds turn into flowers or pruning out dead wood will last for hours.

Whether you are rich or poor, famous or not it is our obligation to ourselves to find true happiness.


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