How To Take Charge Of Your Moods

Do you spend a longer time just trying to shake off a bad mood? Are you aware that moods are contagious?

Moods are like a virus it can be swiftly and subtly passed from person to person. Happy or sad like a virus, some of us are the transmitter while others are susceptible to catching. Mood swings are normal. We need to have emotions. But we don’t need them to control us. Here are ways I found and applied to take charge of my moods.

Moods drift from one person to another via slight, unconscious and unintentional signals, such as facial expression, posture or tone of voice. Just seeing someone express an emotion can evoke that mood in you. Understanding the contagious nature of emotions can help you screen out unwanted moods.

Respect your rhythms. Your mood varies throughout the day, based on shifting levels of energy and tension. Schedule your most important tasks in your “peak” or high energy times. For example, I’m a morning person . I do my writing, if not schedule important meetings in the mornings. I call it my A1 block time. Nothing gets in the way with my self appointed block time. Evenings are usually reserve for my “robotic” activities like sitting on the sofa, relaxing, watching tv and let the boob tube do the thinking for you. Each of us has different individual “peak” times, so recognize it and take advantage of it to increase your productivity Avoid arguments and unpleasant social interactions during your low energy times, if you want to short circuit a full blown bad mood.

Be aware of your biological processes. Sleep, health exercise and foods you eat and don’t eat very much affects our mood variations. If your sleep deprived , you surely are going to be cranky.


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