How To Get The Most Out Of Your Workout

When you have finished an exercise, there’s ultimately a feeling of exhilaration of the knowledge that you have achieve something. In order to get that peak experience in every workout you have to:

-Develop total Concentration. Learn to focus your eyes on one point during an exercise and stay aware of how the muscle feels performing each exercise.

-Breathe properly for concentration. Use gentle abdominal breathing to relax your body and deep full thoracic breathes to focus your energies before an exercise.

-Focus your mind. Count repetitions to yourself, to help focus your mind and increase your power of concentration.

-Stay in the moment. Don’t let your thoughts wander to any other time or place. Be here and now. Be one with the iron.

-Learn to relax. To develop total intensity, you need to learn to relax. Tensing your whole body is counter-productive. It simply drains you of energy.

Always feel free to leave out a set, decrease the poundage or slow down your cardiovascular routine. Forget target heart rates those fitness gurus are forever imposing. Your main concern is getting the most out of your every workout and making sure you are not fatigue and sore so you can be present for your next exercise session.


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