Finding Happiness

Does this describe you? Your career is the envy of everyone you know. Your relationship with your partner is a non stop lovefest, money seems to drop out of the sky and you are so healthy you can’t even remember your last sniffle. You say this is not you? Good. If you have this wrong notion that, if you don’t get 100 percent of what you want such as the supermodel girlfriend, multi-million dollar record contract, the gulfstream jet you just not have anything. That’s being a full throttle 100 percent of a person. And you are a prime candidate for a cardiac arrest. Life is a series of compromises. As long as you are satisfied at least seventy-five percent of getting what you wanted then you have a fighting chance to be happy.

Here are some why- didn’t-I- think –of- that ways in finding happiness.

-Attitude is better than aptitude. People often lose their jobs not on the basis of proficiency but because of personality .It is the same thing with promotions. So be nice.

-Dress Better. The knowledge and feeling you get from being well groomed and immaculately attired give you more confidence, heightened self respect, bring increased faith in yourselves. If you have the look of success, it’s easier to think and achieve success.

-Be spontaneous. We become slaves to routine. Shaking things up periodically might prove exciting and enjoyable.

-Find creative solutions. If you have grown tired of your old set of wheels and you can’t afford to buy a new one. Why don’t you occasionally rent, let’s say a convertible mustang (if that’s your thing) for the weekend. Drive your guts out. No stress over car payments or wear and tear, just the new car smell and miles of open road.

-Take time-outs. We have cycles of high energy and low energy throughout the day called ultradian rhythms. We yawn, lose our concentration, make mistakes if we experience the lows. By taking twenty minute breaks every couple of hours we give our body a chance to rejuvenate itself for the next cycle. Power naps, short walks, meditation, socializing, listening to music or doing low concentration tasks are all ways to take short breaks. We can significantly increase our productivity and more than make up for the lost time. Increase productivity means increase satisfaction equals happiness.

-Put money in perspective. After we have meet our basic survival needs like the roof above our heads, food on the table, clothing and acquire little comforts like a car, two week vacation etc. Satisfaction actually decreases the more we buy. In other words, more spending brings less fulfillment after our basic needs are met . When the subject is money ask yourself “what is important?” and “how much is enough."


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