Charm-The Lost Art

The expressions of charm are endless. It is the vivacious lady who can keep a crowd in roars of laughter, but wouldn’t you say that a quiet girl who walks off with the season’s brightest beau has charm too?

Charm can’t be confined in any rule or particular set of actions. Charm lies in being yourself- your best self. It lies in complete naturalness.

Charm is the next best asset after looks and brains and can almost make up for looks. How do you attain charm? Some say it’s instinctual, others say it can be practiced consistently in order to acquire it. You have charm if:

You let other people know about the things you love.
Announce your interests, hobbies, passions , predilections and let it be known. On the contrary if you are a basic hater, cynical and all around hostile person , no amount of talent, skill, brilliance or fame you have could anyone describe you as charming.
Empathy is a big part of charm.
Show an appreciation of how other people are thinking and feeling. You can do this by paraphrasing what they say. Restate it in your own words. If someone says”more rain what a miserable day” you can say “yes, the weather’s been lousy. It is miserable”.

Charm is all about defying your difficulties. Whoever you are and whatever you do, you have your own set of obstacles to overcome either inner or outer or both. Your strength of personality is enhance by the way you carry your special burden. It may be small or something great. The size of it is not as important as the opinion you have of yourself because of it. Deep within you is the strength to bear anything. The nobility to be willing to do so and the intelligence to create magnificently and beautifully, come what may. Become the kind of woman who can rise above every seeming obstacle and be delightfully charming.


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