
Champions , winners , spiritual millionaires and go getters are just a few terms we tag successful people in pursuit of excellence in their professions. Be it in art, sports, politics or business endeavor they belong to the top echelon of the society. They display distinct set of qualities that separates them from the mediocre lot. What are these qualities? So that we can emulate those enviable characteristics and apply it in our own circumstances.

-They move forward in anyway they can. They find the arena that interests them and via hard work they create their own breaks and opportunities. By doing so they generate their own luck.
-They get going. They start in the smallest way by becoming educated or trained. Then they will take any job that will eventually give them the experience they need. Because they work more and procrastinate less they prosper, They know that talent is ninety-nine per cent perspiration.

-They get to work right now. They have little time for agonizing about yesterday or speculating about tomorrow. They are too busy living their exciting “packed” schedules today.

-Even when everything looks bleak, winners fuel themselves with continued optimism and determination. They persevere knowing that it may take years to become successful. Problems and frustrations are an incentive for them to work even harder.

-They know that learning isn’t easy. The learning curve represents one struggle after another.

Men and women of great accomplishments still achieve those incredible feats inspite of frustrations, problems and obstacles that confronts them. Just like you and I have. But still they manage to accomplish great things because they are not reactive. They are….


Whether they have a good day or bad day, their superior performance is steady. They do things regardless of the present circumstances. They don’t let little things bother them. They bring their own sunshine. They are happy.


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