
How To Be Happy

In finding happiness we must understand that it’s not a feeling to be awaited. Happiness is definitely within our control. Although sometimes we ourselves sabotage the ways to finding happiness. We pursue these images of perfection in any symbol like a Ferrari F50, !00 foot yacht, a supermodel girlfriend and all that hype the media is selling us. Well you might think these things will make you happy but probably won’t. Just ponder on the downside of owning these tangible artifacts of perfection. You will shell out tens of thousands of dollars in luxury tax, annual insurance, maintenance, storage plus expenses for super premium fuel only. And how about half the male populace hitting on your gorgeous girlfriend? Can you sleep with your one eye open for the rest of the time you have a relationship with a supermodel? Can you go the distance of having a relationship whose 100 percent all about her 24/7? Happy people usually nurture habits that make them the way they are. Acquire these ha

How To Know If He Is The One

This is a checklist if you want to know the guy you have the hots for is worth keeping. It doesn’t matter if someone you’re dating is a deadringer for Tom Cruise or Enrique Iglesias as long as he has integrity, flexible, giving and treats you with compassion. You don’t have to know the person since kindergarten days, these subtle hints speak volumes about that person. He has: -A German shepherd. A goldfish or a niece he is fond of. Even owning a plant is a good sign. This shows the person is not commitment phobic. He has the affinity for nurturing and be constant to something in life. -Sense of humour. Being able to laugh together helps diffuse tension. Life is serious enough as it is. It doesn’t matter if he has a PHD in nuclear engineering , if you can’t laugh together your relationship is going to fizzle. Just make sure you have the same kind of sense of humor. If he laughs at the Three Stooges and you just look and stare or he doesn’t get why you find Jerry Seinfeld funny,

In Pursuit Of Happiness

When we are in a state of true happiness , studies how that there iare actually certain biological changes occur. There is increased activity in the brain center that inhibits negative feelings and quieting of those that generate worrisome thoughts. There is also an increase available energy and enthusiasm for whatever task is at hand. We have the drive to strive toward a great variety of goals. Here are bits of insightful and I might add offbeat tips to nudge you back into that state of ephemeral true happiness: -Don’t be an ingrate. Everyday ask yourself “What do I have that I am grateful for?” Your list like your health, your decent income, your solid relationship etc. By the time you are done checking off your list all the feelings of gloom and doom will have flitted away. -Ignore the stock market. Chinese researchers found a direct link between the daily performance of the stockmarket and the mental health of those who closely followed it. So give your investments time and give yo

Meditation Techniques

Learning meditation techniques is easy as abc. If there is one discovery in my adult life that I’m grateful for it’s learning meditation techniques. I wondered why I didn’t stumble upon it sooner. I am product of a broken home. I grew up insecure. A classic worrywart is what I used to see myself.. I worried about this and that. Outside I came out okay , I graduated in college, worked in the family business but inside I was crumbling. Endless loops of useless concerns invaded my mind. I lived my life that way until I learned about meditation techniques. Now I’m calmer, happier and able to manage whatever challenges that life has in store for me. My own techniques of meditation here’s how I do it: 1. I pick a quiet place, instead of sitting comfortably I prefer lying down, my arms on my side. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. Inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. When we are anxious we tend to take shallow breaths and that will even make us more anxious. Because the ac

Practical Guide In Pursuit Of Hapiness

The pursuit of happiness is the most basic of all human rights. But we should know that happiness is a state of mind. It is ephemeral. You cannot reach a permanent state called happiness and remain there all the time. For some, true happiness is called “flow”. Flow is when you are totally focused and zoned in to what you are doing at the moment that you are oblivious to the outside world and to the passing of time. To achieve flow, we can creatively find ways to dodge the bullets of frustration, worry and depression into practical relaxation methods consequently help us to find true happiness. Here are some ideas to try: -Count your blessings. Develop that gratitude attitude. Pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of your life and experience a heightened sense of well being. When you are appreciative and thankful you are subconsciously attracting more things in your life that you are going to be thankful for. -Scent the air. Research finds the benefits of aromatherapy in rel

Why You Don't Need Excuses

You are accountable to you. What, who, where you are today are the results of the choices and actions you took. Excuses are the very anti-thesis of dedication and hardwork. Are you sometimes guilty of making excuses especially when things go awry or your inability to make things happen the way you want? Excuses like too shy to date, not enough capital to start a business so on and so forth. The excuses get more outrageous everyday. Achieving a better life through hardwork and persistence are replaced by the excuse mill. Living excuse- free isn’t easy, but refusing to accept anything but the best from yourself can only lead to future success. And when you achieve success you will have no need for excuses. Following the path of least resistance. We look for challenges that requires less energy and present fewer obstacles. You can’t buy a well-developed body or buy a par golf score. Those are available only through intelligent, consistent work to anyone who is willing to apply his m

How To Conquer Worry

Worrying is the heart of anxiety. Our mind spins on an endless loop of low grade melodrama. One set of concern leading on to the next and back again. We all experienced it right? More so with chronic worriers. When the same cycle of worry intensifies and persists it will become a full blown anxiety disorders such as phobias, obsessions and compulsions . But of course these are extreme cases. Worry makes us clench our jaws and lines our faces with wrinkles. Turns the hair gray and in some make it fall out. Ruins our complexion with all skin rashes and pimples. We have to lose ourselves in action so we won’t have the luxury of time to stew and fret about things that might not happen. Here are my two favorite worry busters that I would like to share to you. You might find an idea or two that you like. Some people when they are bothered by thoughts of worry, would immediately head off to the gym, badminton or basketball courts or to the local batting cages and sweat off their worries away