What Success Means Now

Success is subjective. It means different things to different people. One person defines success as the ability to pursue one's passion without temporal, spatial and monetary constraints. Success no longer means the Rolex, Gulfstream or the yatch. Of course, those things are still desirable but the significance of it just dropped down the list a few notches. We've seen a major adjustment in our vision of success in recent years and managed to reorder our dreams for the future. What's important now tends towards more on meaning and values. These are what really matters now: 1. Working and living where and when you want- the offshoot of the internet and digital lifestyle. The internet makes it easy for people to run business and work from home or anywhere whether from Manchuria to Minnesota or from Maine to Mongolia. As long as you have your laptop and internet you are connected. What's better working for unforgiving corporate behemoth or working quietly and h...