
Charm-The Lost Art

The expressions of charm are endless. It is the vivacious lady who can keep a crowd in roars of laughter, but wouldn’t you say that a quiet girl who walks off with the season’s brightest beau has charm too? Charm can’t be confined in any rule or particular set of actions. Charm lies in being yourself- your best self. It lies in complete naturalness. Charm is the next best asset after looks and brains and can almost make up for looks. How do you attain charm? Some say it’s instinctual, others say it can be practiced consistently in order to acquire it. You have charm if: You let other people know about the things you love. Announce your interests, hobbies, passions , predilections and let it be known. On the contrary if you are a basic hater, cynical and all around hostile person , no amount of talent, skill, brilliance or fame you have could anyone describe you as charming. Empathy is a big part of charm. Show an appreciation of how other people are thinking and feeling. You

Two Kinds Of Time

Two Kinds of Time Have you wondered why waiting for the elevator for a minute, seems longer than a ten minute coffee break? Why it seems like a few minutes when you actually talk to your girlfriend on the phone for an hour? And why it seems like an hour when you are on the hotseat for a minute? It’s because there is what we call physical and psychological time. Physical time is measured by the wobbling pendulum that swings back and forth or the vibrating atom or simply what the watch or clock says. Where as psychological time is the experience which minces and leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar. Larger units of time such as months and years pass more rapidly as we age. The first twenty years of our existence are the longest half of our lives. They take up more room in our memory than all the years that follow. Like, you remember what happened in high school more vividly than what you did a year ago. There’s a theory that a year to a five year old child is twenty

Anti-loneliness Strategies

If you are single or recently divorced, one way to ease out of your loneliness is to entertain at home. Elaborate parties or just a casual one depend on your budget. The most important thing is , you get in touch with people and interact with them. If you have a knack of setting up spontaneous little parties that do not require much preparation, go ahead. You can serve canapés, sandwiches and a punchbowl of refreshing concoction. Fire up your creativity, you can serve Italian spaghetti with a lot of tomato and meat sauce. How about Chinese dish, salads tossed in large wooden bowls, the simplest apple and celery mixture or maybe avocados halved and filled French dressing. Coffee and cake for dessert. Also people seem to enjoy nibbling crisp little slivers of raw vegetable from a bowl of crushed ice .Celery, carrot and turnip are delicious served this way. I’m pointing out the simplicity of smart modern entertaining. Learn to entertain effortlessly. Plan now for a simple, joyous part


In today’s world, the high cost of living forces us to spend much of our time working. Working at two to three jobs is no longer an isolated case. We have become workaholics and consequently make us reclusive and constantly attached to our desks and computers. But we have to realize that there’s more to life than just focusing on our jobs like the social part of our lives for example. Pursuing friends adds zest to our structured routine. And what a perfect way to enlarge our circle of friends than to entertain. In war and peace, in poverty or riches we can share hospitality whatever we have and invest the occasion with warm companionship with an air of festivity. No matter how charming or powerful the person maybe, he or she may never reach the peak of his individuality until he or she begins to reach out to others and to serve them. In the time of Alexander The Great, when he won over Persian Darius, he celebrated his victory by having a mass- wedding feast. His men took Persi

Is Winning Necessary To Happiness?

Time is a fixed commodity. Which means you have limits as to what you can accomplish in a lifetime. It’s wise to decide which objectives are most important to your happiness and it is recommended that you prioritize. You can’t be a renowned author at the same time strive to be a grandmaster at chess. Nor you can’t place an equal value on becoming a notorious playboy, a gourmet chef and an empire builder all at the same time. Although it is possible to be a seven time bodybuilding champion, a box office action star and a famous politician at several stages in your lifetime. But that’s another story. Winning all the time isn’t everything. If your objective is to have a relaxing, enjoyable round of golf on a sunday afternoon, you don’t have to force a hole in one. Just play, relax and enjoy. A true ‘champion” doesn’t have to be a jack of all trades. They are exceptional in their fields, yet they are unsophisticated in other aspects. They spend so much time polishing their particu

Managing Stress/Kinds Of Stress Reactors

We cannot avoid stress. As long as we are living, stress is going to be a part of our lives. The bottomline is we need to learn how to manage stress and have a positive outlook so our bodies are not controlled by the stressful events happening in our lives. Each of us reacts differently to the exhaustion caused by poorly managed stress. That is due to environmental factors as well as hereditary predisposition. Some people are muscle reactors, some gut reactors and some are vascular reactors . Muscle reactors constantly brace their skeletal muscles such as in the neck and shoulders, causing tension headaches. In some cases, the tension moves down the spine. This is the cause of up to ninety five percent of all low back pain. Not knowing how to properly relax, these people become constantly frustrated in their attempts to relieve their hurting muscles. Thus they build up more frustration, causing more bracing and more pain. It’s a vicious cycle. Gut reactors are those who always br

The Art Of Purposeful Pausing

“"Extreme busyness is a symptom of deficient vitality, and a faculty for idleness implies a catholic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity." Robert Louis Stevenson said it. In this day and age of hurry, tension and frantic competition, we hurl ourselves through life at a breathless pace. The operative word is MULTI-TASKING. Is it worth it? Is it possible that a bustling display of energy might only be camouflage for a spiritual vacuum? When there’s no time for quiet, there is no time for the soul to grow. Even in the realm of bodybuilding program, rest is a major component. Scientist proved that our bodies secrete more growth hormone while we sleep. In order for our bodies and mind to operate efficiently we need sleep and rest and replenish its energy stores. A man who walks through the countryside sees more than the man who runs. If you are the type to cram your schedule and never having an idle moment, try to experiment with a little purposeful pausing.