

Succesful entrepreneurs didn't start off with one moment of epiphany.They usually work at their business for quite a time to achieve "overnight" success.First and foremost they sell something they love whether it's a product or a service. They have done research to make sure the market exists. They have the ability and means to supply that product or service again and again. Being in business is not just about making money.It is a way to become who you are.Your best idea for business will be something that is already deep within you. A business shouldn't be something you do to live but something you live to do. So here are three steps to take if you want to make your business a successful one. 1.Start as a customer. Years before the birth of one of the biggest online dating site on the internet today, Markus Frind, it's creator was frustrated of the fact that every dating site he surfed would always require to whip out you